19 February 2009

Packing Day

So here we are in late February. It's 2 days from Kaitlyn's 11th birthday. I can't believe she is almost 11! As usual the time just flies by! Today is packing day for our upcoming pcs. Packing day is many different things. It's great because i'm not packing the house! After this is done the movers are coming tomorrow to get everything. But then it's weird because I'm just sitting here, messing around on my computer, doing whatever while other people are doing the work. I feel like the epitome of the spoiled military wife at the moment. It's an odd feeling to sit in your house, surrounded by strangers who are going through your things and packing them away for travel. And all you can do is hang out somewhere out of the way. So i have spend most of my day right here on my couch doing what i apparently do best....lol. It's also weird to look around and see all my things in boxes and rooms mostly empty now. This time tomorrow it will be all empty. All except for bits of trash left laying here and there. Then the real fun begins. I get to CLEAN this house! Oh yay, what joy! (please note the sarcastic tone) who knew a family could get one house so messy in just a year! We are only 4 people. Only 3 of us were here most of the time though. But still.....just daily living leaves lots of mess behind. oh well.....at least when you move after only a year and nine months it gives you a chance to clean out all those things that would just keep building up and building up over years and years. I felt like we had soooooo much stuff all this time. There was always clutter in corners and stacks of things here and there. And now to see it all boxed up.....it doesn't seem like so much after all. seems like such a small amount for our family of 4 to have. Granted if you saw the trash pile outside waiting on the trash guys, you might know WHY there doesnt seem to be so much now! Thank God they come tomorrow! I'm so happy they don't mind picking up loads of extra stuff and arent the type that only take what fits in the can with the lid closed. I'd be in a world of trouble if they were like that! anyway.......i can't believe moving time is here. I have only a little more than one week left in NY. Never did go to Canada, Niagra, or NYC. Did go to Lake Placid and various little places near me. All in all, living here has been good for us.....COLD, but good just the same. LOL

1 comment:

Kinley Mae said...

where are you PCSING TOO????