13 May 2010


Why is it that some days when my Honey is away, I miss him so much it hurts but other days i'm ok with all this? Why is it that on the days i miss him the most, the phone connection just plain stinks? Why is it that when i'm having one of my days were i'm struggling and just wanna scream, my kids act like heathens and do their best to finish me off? (are they really trying to finish me off, or am i over reacting because i'm already in a mood) Why is it that the Army has to be gone for a year and often over a year at a time, keeping us separated for waaaaayyyyy too long, but other branches are only gone for a few months? Why is it that the military can't see that the extended separations are part of the problem with the divorce rates? Why is it that the military can't see that these separations are part of a lot of problems? Why is it that i seem to think that bringing some things to others attention will actually help? Why is it that i used to write blogs all the time and now i'm doing good to remember to do one a month or every other month? Why is it that isoactive toothpaste feels like shaving cream in your mouth? (seriously it just gets so foamy! but i do love the sensodyne isoactive) Why is it so hard to break a bad habit but so easy to start a new one? Why can't we just wish for something like 3 times in our lifetime and have it instantly come true? (hahaha if we did that, no one would be at war bc all us spouses would wish them home!) Why is it that tv is so full of garbage....so many channels and so little to watch? Why is it that everytime i get my nails done, i only pick pink nail polish? Why is it that i can never think of anything to write about on here but i just filled up an entire entry with Why questions? Crazy stuff isn't it! I have all these random thoughts that just float around in my head and sometimes i just need to get them all out. Most people won't listen to my randomness because it can be overwhelming at times. But then i have some friends who are often totally random too. So they deal with it just fine. anyway....i'm having one of my missing my hubby days today. i want to talk to him. Got to briefly but the phones were just awful today so he said he'd get online. I'm waiting. Last time, he got online like he said he would, he just didn't bother to sign in to his messenger. wonder what's going on this time......it's been almost an hour since i told him i was going to get online and he said he would too. hmmmmmm...........


Anonymous said...

Am I the completely random friend you are talking about? lol... Since our convos can change topic in mid-sentence! ;) I', sorry you were having a down day! You should have shot me a message. I would have IMed with you or even webcamed (Since mine is working now!) Then you could have seen little man too... I hope you are having a better day/week...

Kim said...

Lol Stephi! I was so not thinking of you at the time....but now that you mention it....totally fits you! LOL We really should webcam soon so i can see the baby! it would be fun. We'll talk and set that up soon!