28 March 2011

Separate Lives

There have been times lately that i've been thinking about my Honey and our life together and our lives apart. Thanks to the Army, we have had PLENTY of apart time. In many ways, I find myself feeling like we have been living separate lives together, if that makes sense. Then i wonder, am i the only one who ever feels like the forced separations from the military cause me and my husband to live separate lives? Now i'm wondering if that makes any sense to anyone other than me? Obviously we are living somewhat separate lives, he's been around the world for more than a year at a time, more than once. What i mean, though, is that our lives are so different during these times that it's like our life together isn't there. Yes, we still talk as often as we can. Yes, we are both completely faithful to each other. Yes, we both have the utmost respect and admiration for each other. Yes, we talk about things going on in our lives during these times. But we don't see each other. We don't have those intimate moments that make a marriage what it is. We don't share every thing that we normally would share. Sometimes now that he's back home again i find it difficult to process that we spend soooo many months apart. I find it difficult to process that he shared his daily life with people that i barely know. and i shared my daily life with people that he barely knows. We have stories and jokes and things with friends that are not part of our life together, only individually. In some ways, yes, this is a good thing. After all, too much time together and sharing every little detail of your lives is not always a good thing. You have to have separated interests and friends just for your own sanity right. But then there are times like this weekend. One of my hubby's friends was killed this weekend. He was no longer in the Army. He was living back home and had been out with some friends. Long story short, altercation turned bad, ptsd involved, hubby's friend was killed. Very sad situation. Brought back all kinds of memories for him. They had been in Iraq together for over a year. He needed to talk but it was hard for us to talk about it because i didn't really know this guy. He called some of his friends that did know the guy and they talked and eventually we talked about some stuff too. But it was really hard for him and it just hit home that we really have had separate lives and it's hard to accept that. Then we watched Army Wives last night. In the episode a soldier was killed. Of course it brought back tons of memories for both of us. He's been the soldier on the other end losing friends. I've been the wife on this end going to memorials, making awkward phone calls, trying to deal with the fact that it wasn't my husband, but it was someones husband/son. I made a comment during the show when Roxy and Trevor were on the phone that those phone calls are the worst, they are so awkward and difficult. He looked at me like i was crazy and rolled his eyes. Yeah, i get that it was hard on him being the soldier over there, it was his friend, and he hated have to call home to let me know he was ok when he really wasn't. But he has no idea what it was like for me to be the one trying to talk to him and having no idea what to say. All i wanted was to make it better for him and there was NOTHING i could do that would help that. So yeah, those phone calls were the worst. But again it just drove home the fact that so much of our lives are separate now. We have parts of our lives that the other will never understand. Nothing that i say can make him see what it was like for me and nothing he says can make me see how it was for him. And we have to agree that it was hard on all of us and leave it alone. But in situations like these, leaving it alone is just impossible. Well, thanks for letting me get this all out. I have a dentist appointment. Talk to you later!


StephieD said...

I feel that way alot, but of course it's even different for me because not only do I have the Army pulling him away, but his Civi job as well. I've had people that were in my life for long periods of time that didn't even realize I was married! I had a lady from my Church tell me that she's known me now for 5 years and hasn't yet met my husband!
Those calls suck and they aren't any better when you are the one making the call to break the news... And you just feel so helpless because you really don't know what they are feeling....

Kim said...

Thanks Steph.....it's good to know i'm not completely insane in feeling this way. Because if at least one other person feels the same way you aren't crazy, right? LOL

Stacia said...

Nope, your not the only one who feels that way Kim and thats part of what makes us military wives unique! I have felt that way during Rob's depolyments and I am feeling that way right now with recruiting. He comes home late and works weekends too and he can't be involved in things becasue of the nature of the recruiting job. Its hard for the girls to understand, especially when they really want Daddy to be there for some school event or ballet or art event.

Kim said...

Exactly Stacey! Mine's always busy with work stuff too and it's so hard to have any family time. When we do have family time, sometimes it feels so rushed. Or the girls have other things they want to do because they are so used to planning other things so they want to be with their friends. It's just really hard to get everyone together in one place doing one thing. Now that are girls are getting so much older i'm trying to stress these times more, but as they get older they are drifting more their own way. It's natural progression. I just feel like because of all the separation we have to take advantage of what little time we have, ya know.