27 April 2011

Happy Birthday To Me

Another year older! I look back and can't believe i'm 37 today. It doesn't seem like it's been 19 years since i graduated high school. I can't believe Kaitlyn is already 13 and Keliah will be 11 before I know it. The years are just flying by. But i'm so blessed because i have my girls, i have my hubby (for almost 14 years now), and i have great friends. some that i've known since before i even went to school, some since school, and some new ones that i can't imagine my life without. I'm blessed to have had great influences in my life....family, spiritual, and others. i'm blessed to have a beautiful home and all my needs met. most of all, i'm blessed to have a savior who loves me no matter how badly i may mess up. I find there is no better way to spend my birthday than to count my blessings. I'm not feeling old or anything. I still feel young most days. some days my body rebels and tells me otherwise! there's just a lot of good out there though. no sense in focusing on the bad! i still have a lot of years left in me, God willing.

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