17 September 2009


That's an interesting question don't ya think? People ask it so often and never really know what, if any, answer they will get. But they still ask. Why am i feeling so selfish lately? Why am i feeling like the world is falling apart? Why do bad things happen to me? Over and over again. All i can say is sometimes we feel selfish because we spend so much time doing for others that we NEED to do for ourselves. We feel like maybe all our work is being overlooked and we need someone to focus on us for a change. I know as a wife, mom, friend, daughter, sister, etc.....i have recently been feeling this way. I do everything for my husband. Most of my friends say i do too much for him. But i do these things because i love him and acts of service mean so much to me, that's how i show him i love him. Trust me, these things mean a lot to him too. That's why he's often telling me how wonderful he thinks i am. I do so much for my kids....after all they are still kids. They need me, sometimes. HAHA. I try to be there for my friends as often as i can. I spend time with them, listen to them, go places with them, support them, laugh with them...whatever they need. I listen to my parents. They are pretty far away from me now so i can't do so much for them but i can listen and support emotionally. I listen to my brother and sister. Like my parents, they are far away but i listen to them. I try and support them in anyway i can. It can be exhausting. So yeah, i feel selfish sometimes and i just want time for me to take care of me, to do things for me, to make myself smile. As far as feeling like the world is falling apart, it could be many things. Not taking time for yourself and feeling overwhelmed, feeling stressed, needing some quiet time. For me, i feel my world is not whole and not together when Jay is gone. i miss him like crazy. I miss all the little things. it's the same thing every time he is gone. I just wanna have him home. So the world feels upside down. why do bad things happen to me? Things just happen. No one, especially God, is punishing us. Sometimes bad things happen. Instead of getting angry and blaming everyone around you, figure out what happened starting with you. Chances are there is something in your life that you need to get right. Did you do something to another person? Is that the root of the problem? Can you go to the person and make things right? We are instructed biblically actually when we do something to another person we are to go to them and make it right. We are also instructed to go to a person who has wronged us and try to make it right. If they are not willing, take someone else with us, and try again. If they are not willing, still, keep praying for them. And keep praying for God to open your eyes to something you may have done that you are overlooking and for God to open your eyes to something else you can do. Also remember, sometimes things just aren't as bad as they seem. They are just different from what we have been used to. God uses the times we are hurting and sad to help us grow in him. We are able to use this time to show him glory by leaning on him. We turn to him and find strength, peace, comfort. We can show others that by turning to God we can get through the bad times. He wants us to turn to him. He wants to comfort us and give us strength and peace. He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He is the One and Only, King of Kings, Prince of Peace. He is the one you can always count on. and he knows why.

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