17 November 2009

The Holidays and Deployment UGH

As i sit here thinking about what to write this time, i'm struck with sadness. I am missing my family and my husband and my friends back home. Don't get me wrong, i love my friends here and i can talk to my family any time i want and i know my husband would be here if he could. In fact he will be soon, it's almost time for R&R. But as we get into this holiday season, i think about all we are missing with our families and all the things we haven't been a part of for the past several years. I love our life. I really do. But it certainly does make you appreciate the things you are missing from your childhood. We have started our own traditions with our girls and I feel like we are teaching them that even when you can't be with your whole family you can still enjoy the holidays. We are teaching them that Christmas is not about presents and traditions. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Lord. And family is not just the people you are related to by blood and marriage. Family is what you make it. We have family every where we are because we are blessed with good friends. These are important lessons for our children to learn....especially in our military nomad-like lifestyle. I am not teaching them anything by moping around on holidays. But i am feeling a sense of sadness this year. Not like i usually do. We are closer to home now than we have been before. So i'd love to be home. I knew it wasn't possible when we were in NY but now it could be. Also, Jay is deployed AGAIN. And my cousin who lives near us here in GA is deploying between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I was really looking forward to spending the holidays with at least this part of the family. Cant have it all though and there is always next year. I know Jay will be home by then and my cousin should be home. I have faith that God is protecting them both so they will be home. God tells us in Joshua that he is with us where ever we are. Not only that but he commands us to be strong and courageous. He doesn't want us to be afraid. He is there and He is protecting us. He provides for the birds of the air and He will provide for us. He fed Elijah bread and water during the famine. He will feed us too. He calls us his children and He is our father. He will not leave us nor forsake us. I have faith that he is protecting my husband because he says he is. I also believe God has a plan for our lives and He is not nearly finished with us yet!

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